Year of specialization Faculté de Médecine Université Libre de Bruxelles, third year of specialization
Années bourse(s):
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023: "Bourse Fondation Haas-Teichen"
Better Understanding of Paediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma
Unité de génétique somatique, Institut Curie, Paris- France
Cristina Antonescu’s Lab, Memorial Sloan Kzettering Cancer Center, New York- USA
Head And Neck SOmatic aLteratiOn
The Han Solo study
1. Comparing ASBT known histological subtypes’ molecular biology to similar tumors from other locations.
2. Epidemiologic study by retrospectively identifying molecular patterns amongst aggressive skull base ill-classified tumor samples.
3. Evaluating its prognostic value as well as a potential role in tumorigenesis.
4. Comparing its prognostic value to already known other prognostic factors in ASBTs (tumor site/size, age, staging, nodal extension, histology).
“CHEWIE : CHaracterization of molecular Event betWeen dIagnosis and rElapse for pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma”
The CHEWIE project has been started at Institut Curie but will be further pursued at MSKCC (New York), regrouping the biggest cohort of timed molecular biology analysis in pediatric RMS.
It’s aim is to characterize RMS from primary disease to relapse using next generation sequencing. 11 patients have so far been analyzed in Institut Curie.
The third project has sprung from the intuition that RMS is not always from muscular primary cell (except of course for eRMS). We wished to observe how certain fundamental and phenotypically essential mutations would impact the development of primary mesenchymial cells. We therefore have selected two different types of RMS that we will try to recreate using cell lines and the CRISPR-cas9 technique. The first one being the MYOD1 mutated RMS (extremely aggressive spindle-cell RMS subgroup) and the EWSR1/FUS-TFCP2 fused RMS who seem to appear in primary bone tissue while demonstrating spindle cell and epithelioid phenotypes. This third project will be entirely conducted at MSKCC (New York) during seven months.