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Dokter Sandra COPPENS

Médecin, spécialisée en Neurologie pédiatrique depuis 2013

Aantal beurzen:
2018-2019: "Bourse Prof. A. Kahn" | 2017-2018 - 2019-2020: "Bourse S. et E. Freidberg-Strauss"


Identification of genetic causes of congenital myopathies through an integrated approach with a comprehensive phenotypic analysis, exome sequencing and zebrafish knock-outs

Project supervisor

Catheline Vilain
ULB Medical Genetics Department

Labo of hospitaal waar het project plaatsvindt

SabineCostagliola lab, IRIBHM, ULB, Campus Erasme, Brussels

Objectives of research

The description of new phenotypes associated with known genes contributes to facilitate the diagnostic assessment and to better delineate the natural history in patients with rare diseases. The discovery of new genes opens the way to the understanding of new pathophysiological mechanisms, an essential step for the development of targeted therapies.

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